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Ecos Migrantes

Esta obra es una poderosa colección de veintisiete relatos que combinan el rigor del periodismo con la riqueza de la experiencia humana. Reúne testimonios vibrantes de mujeres y hombres migrantes en Estados Unidos, cuyas voces emergen con un profundo valor histórico, sociológico, antropológico y cultural. Cada historia está narrada a través de géneros periodísticos distintos —noticia, reportaje y crónica—, lo que da vida a comunidades que resisten el racismo, mujeres que desafían el machismo y personas que enfrentan una travesía marcada por la xenofobia. Sin embargo, estos relatos no solo exponen desafíos: celebran también las contribuciones de los migrantes, quienes fortalecen su identidad, preservan su cultura, reavivan la memoria histórica y demuestran una resiliencia ejemplar. En sus páginas destacan las vivencias de personas provenientes de Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras y México, que tejen un lazo con la comunidad latina y nos recuerdan que hablar de migración es hablar de humanidad. Estas historias, originalmente publicadas en la sección en español del diario Los Angeles Times, ofrecen una ventana única y conmovedora a las vidas de aquellos que transforman la adversidad en esperanza.


Central American Studies Curriculum Project

The Central American Studies in K-12 Curriculum Project was funded by the California Subject Matter Project, Ethnic Studies Initiative. With a focus on creating interdisciplinary units that span across K-12, this curriculum project was developed in partnership with California State University, Northridge (CSUN) Writing Project, the UCLA Department of Chicanx and Central American Studies, and the University of California, Irvine (UCI) History Project. These unit plans have been developed to address a critical gap in K-12 education. Despite Los Angeles County being home to the largest Central American student population in the nation, there has been little representation of Central American histories, Indigenous Central American identities, or Central American experiences in school curricula. We invite educators to explore these resources and incorporate them into their classrooms, helping to create a more inclusive and representative educational experience for all students.

Oral History Project

Separated: Stories of Injustice and Solidarity

"Separated is an oral history project with families impacted by the Trump Administration’s “zero tolerance” policy which forcibly separated fathers and mothers from their children at the U.S. Mexico border. "

Digital Archive


"CuentosMobile is a compilation of mobile stories and contemporary art collaborations by author, community educator, and performance ethnographer Sarah Rafael García."


Lealtad y rebeldí­a. La vida de Juan Pablo Wainwright

A book about the life and times of Juan Pablo Wainwright by Rina Villars - a Honduran scholar of the history of feminism and labor struggles. She introduces the man, the father, and the activist that lived and died for a better life in Honduras and the rest of Central America.



MendoLatino is local public affairs in Spanish for Mendocino County, hosted by Diana Coryat and Loreto Rojas. Listen to MendoLatino every 2nd and 4th Monday at 9am, en español, right here on KZYX and Z. MendoLatino es un programa radial con noticas, novedades y temas sociales, culturales, y políticos.


Radio Santa Ana

"Radio Santa Ana busca ser una fuente de información y educación para la comunidad de Orange County, particularmente en Santa Ana, la segunda ciudad más grande del condado, compuesta en un 80% de gente latina. Reúne a personas de esta comunidad, de organizaciones de base y otros grupos de labor social para formar un medio de comunicación, de educación, expresión e información sobre la cultura, los recursos, los eventos y procesos sociales relevantes a sus vidas."


Finding La Negrita

"Finding La Negrita is a captivating retelling of the Black Madonna narrative, which has driven Costa Rica's national and spiritual identity since the 1700s. In powerful prose, Natasha Gordon-Chipembere delivers a vivid and intimate living portrait of slavery in this nation, which was radically different from plantation bondage in other parts of the Americas. "


Children of the Diaspora

"“Children of the Diaspora” is a documentary about the historical and ideological origins of USEU, la Unión Salvadoreña de Estudiantes Universitarios, in the United States. Set in 2009, this film begins by documenting USEU's first delegation to El Salvador."

Cultural Foundation

Raices Cultural Center

"They work to preserve Caribbean and other cultures as reflected in music, art, dance, history and the natural arts. Raíces Cultural Center’s principal goal is the investigation, compilation, documentation, preservation, and dissemination of traditional Caribbean culture through art, history and ecology."


Christopher the Ogre Cologre, It's Over!

"GIGANTIC LIES meet EMPOWERING TRUTHS in this masterfully written, family friendly book finally bringing children, parents, and educators the real history of Christopher Columbus. By scholar and educator, Dr. Siu."


U.S. Central Americans
Reconstructing Memories, Struggles, and Communities of Resistance

U.S. Central Americans draws connections to fields of study such as history, political science, anthropology, ethnic studies, sociology, cultural studies, and literature, as well as diaspora and border studies. The volume is also accessible in size, scope, and language to educators and community and service workers wanting to know about their U.S. Central American families, neighbors, friends, students, employees, and clients.


Civic Season

"Juneteenth - July 4th is Civic Season. Explore what you stand for, connect with others and shape the future of our country."


Family Pictures USA

"Journeys through a rapidly changing landscape where the hallmarks of a familiar and idealized “America” are being transformed. From the streets of Detroit, to the shores
of Southwest Florida, to the farm fields of North Carolina, we are creating a new purpose for the family photo album…as an integral part of our collective social and cultural history."

Cultural Foundation

Centro Cultural Techantit

"They create spaces where elders can tell stories, teach their ancestral music and dance, and indigenous languages that the youth can learn. The youth are also able to design their own programs incorporating muralism, music and ancestral forms like the marimba," and more.

Digital Newspaper

El Faro Académico

Academic articles on El Faro covering a wide range of topics mostly on El Salvador's history, culture, politics, injustice, corruption, memory, and more.

Digital Archive

Black Past

"This reference center with 7,626 posts is dedicated to providing information to the general public on African American history and the history of more than one billion people of African ancestry around the world." And, articles on Afro-Latinxs.


Teaching Central America

"Our goal is to encourage and support teaching about Central America in K-12 schools so that students can learn about this region, which has many ties to the United States through foreign policy, immigration, commerce, and culture."

Digital Archive

Archivo digital del Diario Oficial

"Las ediciones del Diario Oficial que pueden consultarse en este sitio web, comprenden los períodos siguientes: Desde el año 1847 la fecha."

Digital Archive

El Clamor Public Collections

"Billed as LAs' 'Periodico Independiente y Literario,' it was the first Spanish-language newspaper in California after the American occupation."


Central Americans in Los Angeles

"Central Americans have embraced Los Angeles as home and, in doing so, transported their rich heritage and customs to the streets of this multicultural metropolis."

Genealogy Site

"helps you understand your genealogy. A family tree takes you back generations—the world's largest collection of online family history records."

Digital Archive

Online Archive
of California

"a vital resource that serves everyone interested in California's rich collections: browse online, search for information about specific items and their location, and learn how to access them."

Digital Archive

Digital Public Library of America

"Empowers people to learn, grow, and contribute to a diverse and better-functioning society by maximizing access to our shared history, culture, and knowledge."

Genealogy Site

"FamilySearch is an international, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping all people discover their family story." FREE

Cultural Foundation

Museo De La Palabra y La Imagen

"A foundation dedicated to the investigation, preservation, and dissemination of the historical and cultural patrimony of El Salvador."

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